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QuestionsHow does fitting a cable gland affect the IP rating of an enclosure?
Mario Anderson asked 1 year ago
1 Answers
Chris Lloyd Staff answered 1 year ago

Dear Mario,

Cable glands are commonly used to maintain high IP ratings for enclosures and to securely retain cables. If you are planning to fit a cable gland yourself, it is important to choose a cable gland that will maintain the enclosure’s IP rating.

It is also important to remember that the presence of holes or empty voids in enclosures can affect the IP rating, allowing dust or water to enter the housing structure. It is essential, therefore, to use the proper equipment and installation techniques to ensure that the IP rating of the enclosure is maintained.

Therefore, when looking at suitable solutions, you should take into account that IP ratings of the cable gland should match or be of a higher rating than the enclosure. By using a sealing ring between the enclosure and the cable gland, you can also help to maintain a high level of IP rating.

At Spelsberg, we offer a wide range of high-quality cable glands that are specifically designed to address the needs of a wide range of applications while ensuring optimal protection. Use our product finder tool to find the right cable gland and enclosure for your needs: https://www.spelsberg.co.uk/product-finder/.

To learn more about IP ratings and how they work in electrical enclosures, check out “IP ratings and what you need to know,” an article by Chris Lloyd, our Managing Director, available at: https://www.spelsberg.co.uk/news/news-press/detail/?tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=157&cHash=3296af5e5305928751be611de6e317fa.

We hope this information helps, and we look forward to helping you find the right enclosure solution for your needs! If you would like further assistance in the specification of the right enclosure and cable gland for your intended application, please feel free to send me a private message. I’d be happy to discuss with you the specific needs that your enclosure needs to meet.

Kind Regards,
