01952 605849 [email protected]
Outdoor enclosure exposed to heat/cold and sunlight
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 6 years ago • 
2454 views1 answers1 votes
Preventing Condensation
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 6 years ago • 
6117 views1 answers0 votes
How to add a nonround hole in PCB
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 6 years ago • 
5237 views1 answers1 votes
Slope of top of outdoor enclosures
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 6 years ago • 
3671 views1 answers1 votes
CNC or Customisation Options
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 6 years ago • 
5156 views1 answers1 votes
Maximum number of branch circuits
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 6 years ago • 
6208 views1 answers0 votes
Best enclosure solution for precast concrete construction
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
5379 views1 answers1 votes
PCBs inside enclosures
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
5345 views1 answers1 votes
IP Rating question
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
5610 views1 answers0 votes
TK Enclosure Temperature
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
5220 views1 answers1 votes
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
1613 views1 answers1 votes
What is a UL rating on an enclosure?
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
7687 views1 answers0 votes
Installation without affecting IP rating?
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 7 years ago • 
5466 views1 answers1 votes
What are the operating temperatures for your enclosures?
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
6105 views1 answers1 votes
Fire & smoke
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 7 years ago • 
4817 views1 answers1 votes
UV Deterioration
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 8 years ago • 
4764 views1 answers1 votes
How can I tell if an enclosure is UL approved?
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 8 years ago • 
5927 views1 answers0 votes
Are the enclosures available in other colours?
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 8 years ago • 
5055 views1 answers1 votes
What is the best way to combat condensation?
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 8 years ago • 
4906 views1 answers1 votes
Watertight IP68 box required
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 9 years ago • 
4741 views1 answers1 votes
Cable Gland effect IP Rating
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 9 years ago • 
4835 views1 answers1 votes
IP66 enclosures
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
4823 views1 answers1 votes
Polycarbonate & Glass Reinforced Plastic.
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
2693 views1 answers1 votes
IP66 PS / ABS enclosure
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
5018 views1 answers1 votes
Outdoor Enclsoure Installation
ResolvedAmanda Shephard answered 9 years ago • 
4744 views1 answers1 votes
How to find the right Enclosure
ResolvedChris Lloyd answered 9 years ago • 
4611 views1 answers1 votes


Chris Lloyd
Managing Director
+44 (0)7855 464066

I began my career as an Electrical Engineer in 1990 and I’ve worked in the industry ever since. My focus is making Spelsberg UK as well known for our engineering capabilities as we already are for our enclosure solutions.

Clare McCusker
National Sales Manager
+44 (0)7726 694015

Before joining Spelsberg I was with a global supplier of electrical distribution and automation control equipment. I love working on projects of all sizes and helping customers with bespoke solutions.

Amanda Shephard
Pro-Active Manager
+44 (0)1952 605847

I manage Spelsberg’s Pro-Active service, a telephone service that allows customers to speak directly with a technically trained sales person when making an order over the phone.